The higher education in Ireland

Ireland long since is famous for high education level. At the time of the Middle Ages Ireland was called “The island of Saints and scientists”. “The emerald island” attracts students and tourists with the beauty, ancient culture and thousand-year traditions. The Irish system of the higher education is similar to the British model. For receipt graduates of the Russian schools need to go the one-year Foundation program to the Irish higher education institutions or to finish the last two years of the Irish school and to receive the certificate of Leaving Certificate. In the presence of this certificate entrants can come to higher educational institutions (colleges, institutes of technology, universities) on baccalaureate or master programs.
At the same time, in the country there is a small amount of colleges and business schools to which it is possible to come without preliminary training at the Foundation program and without having Leaving Certificate. Anyway the entrant needs to confirm good knowledge of English with certificates of IELTS or TOEFL. The minimum age for receipt in the Irish college – 18 years.
Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, University of Limerick are considered as the most prestigious universities of Ireland.
In Ireland there are seven universities, and also a large number of professional colleges. Specifics of the higher education of Ireland are in what colleges and universities in educational system do not divide, considering that they together form the so-called “third level” – the higher education. Therefore many baccalaureate programs in Ireland are organized on the basis of colleges.
Note: Colleges of professional education, unlike university colleges, give to students more practical orientation. Depending on duration of training in graduates of such colleges certificates are awarded. diplomas or academic degrees: One Year Certificate is given after one year of training at a full-time department, after two years the student receives the national certificate (National Certificate), after three – the national diploma (National Diploma), and after four – the bachelor’s degree < so=showtopic&ct_id=11> which is equated to degree of the bachelor received at university.
Trinity College Dublin (TCD) (1592): <>
Arrangement: Dublin
Description: Triniti Kolledzh (Dublin) founded in 1592 by the queen of Great Britain Elizabeth I is independent and independent part of the Dublin university. This oldest and most prestigious higher educational institution of Ireland. Besides, Triniti – one of seven oldest universities of the English-speaking world and only of them, located out of Great Britain. Being the first according to the Irish ratings, Triniti Kolledzh is traditionally included into number 50 of the best higher education institutions according to the British newspaper Times. In Triniti Kolledzhe writers Johnathan Swift and Oscar Uald, Nobel Prize laureates on literature Samuel Beckett and on physics Ernest-Thomas Walton, and also other celebrated personalities studied.
Faculties: humanitarian, philological, business, economy and social sciences, engineering and cybernetics, medicine and natural sciences.
Number of students: about 15 thousand
Requirements (bachelor degree): the certificate about secondary education corresponding to the Irish certificate on leaving school or the British certificates on secondary education of GCSE or A-level or receipt on the basis of the one-year Foundation program, or 1 – 3 course of the Russian university.
Russian-language (partially) baccalaureate program: business of science and Russian
Beginning of programs: August
Accommodation: 3 800€/year (the room on one in the student’s residence)
The program    Requirements    The cost of training is over 2014/15 academic year, euro, €
Bachelor degree, 4 years    IELTS 6.5, TOEFL (ibt): 90+, the certificate about secondary education, 1-3 courses of the Russian university Foundation (1 year)    14’500 – 21’000
Magistracy, 1 – 2 years of MBA    Profile higher education (bachelor degree), IELTS 6.5, TOEFL (ibt): 90+    6’900 – 29’500 29’500 (MVA)
University College Dublin (1854):
Arrangement: Dublin
Description: University College Dublin (UCD) the biggest Irish university. It was based by the cardinal John Henry Newman in the middle of the 19th century as one of the first Catholic universities of Ireland. University College Dublin is the second for prestigiousness after Trinity College and the first on the number of students university in the country. From all vypusknikovusd the most known is the outstanding writer of the XX century James Joyce.
Faculties: humanitarian, business, philosophy and sociology, economy and social sciences, engineering and architecture, natural sciences, medical, legal.
Number of students: about 22 thousand, 1500 – foreign students
Beginning of programs: August
Accommodation: 8 000€/year
The program    Requirements    The cost of training is over 2014/15 academic year, euro, €
Bachelor degree, 4 years    IELTS 6.0, the certificate about secondary education, 1-3 courses of the Russian university / Foundation (1 year)    15’000 – 20’000
Magistracy, 1 – 2 years    Profile higher education (bachelor degree), IELTS 6.5    11’000 – 29’500
University of Limerick (1972):
Arrangement: Limerick
Description: The Limeriksky university received the status of university only in 1989, but already today it is considered the most prestigious higher educational institution of the country. By quantity of the academic degrees received at university wins first place, and also enters ten higher education institutions in ratings on employment of graduates. At university the Irish politician and the former president of the European parliament Pat Cox, the famous Canadian engineer David Parnas and others studied.
The city of Limerick – the attractive place for the international students: every year there take place musical festivals and various cultural actions, various international sports competitions.
Faculties: education and medical sciences; sciences and technicians; arts, humanitarian and social sciences; Kemmi’s Business school.
Number of students: about 13 thousand
Beginning of programs: September
Accommodation: 6 000-7 000€/year
The program    Requirements    The cost of training is over 2014/15 academic year, euro, €
Bachelor degree, 4 years    IELTS 6.0, the certificate about secondary education, 1-3 courses of the Russian university / Foundation (1 year)    9’500 – 38’500
Magistracy, 1-2 years    Profile higher education (bachelor degree), IELTS 6.5    8’500 – 20’000
Universities of Ireland – the higher education in Ireland: Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, University of Limerick

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