The protocol of interrogation of I.P. Lukyanov of February 7, 1935


February 7, 1935

Lukyanov I.P., 36, the member of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) since 1920, the serviceman, the commandant of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

QUESTION: You extended slander concerning heads of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks). Whether you recognize it?
* ANSWER: I recognize that I knew of distribution of the counterrevolutionary slander directed against t. STALIN *.
QUESTION: Call to a consequence of the persons who are distributors of slander against comrade STALIN; list where they work and whether long ago you know them?
ANSWER: Participants of the slanderous conversation directed against comrade STALIN were working in commandant’s office of the Kremlin DOROSHIN Vasily Grigoryevich — the assistant to the commandant of the Kremlin, the member of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks), PAVLOV Ivan Efimovich — the assistant to the commandant of the Kremlin, the member of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks), * POLYAKOV Pavel Fedorovich — the chief of administrative management of commandant’s office of the Kremlin, the member of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks). This conversation was conducted after the XVI congress in the building of commandant’s office of the Kremlin, in the room of the duty assistant to the commandant. During this conversation of DOROShIN or POLYAKOV (I definitely do not remember) the counterrevolutionary slanderous attacks against comrade STALIN supported with references to the so-called will of LENIN which is available for them *.
I know DOROShINA since 1924 on VTsIK school where it was a commander of a company; PAVLOVA — since 1925, too on VTsIK school, and POLYAKOVA — since 1929 on work in commandant’s office of the Kremlin.
QUESTION: Whether you personally extended slander about heads of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks)?
ANSWER: No, did not extend.
QUESTION: What else slanderous facts are known to you?
* ANSWER: In day of death of N. S. ALLILUYEVA the commandant of the Kremlin of comrade of PETERSON brought together at himself in an office me, the secretary of a Communist Party organization of commandant’s office of the Kremlin VERKUNICH Ivan Evdokimovich and other members of bureau of a partkollektiv of commandant’s office whose surname I do not remember now, and told us in confidence that ALLILUEVA died unnatural smertyyu*.
QUESTION: Whether you about it still transferred to someone and when?
ANSWER: No, did not transfer.
QUESTION: By testimonies of the arrested assistant to the commandant of the Kremlin to DOROShINA it is established that you personally transferred it the slander connected with N. S. ALLILUYEVA’S death. Whether you recognize it?
ANSWER: Definitely I do not remember whether I spoke about this DOROShINU, but I assume that could tell it.
QUESTION: Whether the solution of party in connection with k.r is known to you. Trotskyist attacks to comrade STALIN?
ANSWER: I know that comrade STALIN asked to exempt it from a post of the secretary general of the Central Committee of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks), and I know and knew that the party categorically insisted on that comrade STALIN remained the secretary general of the Central Committee.
QUESTION: Whether you reported to your immediate superior of comrade of PETERSONU about the counterrevolutionary slanderous conversation conducted by the staff of commandant’s office of the Kremlin called by you?
ANSWER: No, did not report.
QUESTION: What can you explain to a consequence with that you — the member of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) and the commander of RKKA, knowing the solution of party, did not report about counterrevolutionary roar concerning leaders of party?
ANSWER: I admit the guilt that, knowing about slander * Trotskyists of DOROShINA, PAVLOV and POLYAKOV concerning a partrukovodstvo, hid it from partii*.
QUESTION: You call DOROShINA, PAVLOV and POLYAKOV Trotskyists why you call them Trotskyists?
ANSWER: I so call them because the slander on comrade STALIN which I from them heard coincides with counterrevolutionary slander which is extended against heads of party by Trotskyists.
QUESTION: As DOROShIN, PAVLOV and POLYAKOV are Trotskyists, they, hiding the counterrevolutionary Trotskyist beliefs from party, used the stay in commandant’s office of the Kremlin in the counterrevolutionary purposes. Whether you recognize that you knew of it?
* ANSWER: I deny. I do not know that the called persons used the stay at work in the Kremlin in k.r. tselyakh*.
QUESTION: The consequence knows that DOROShIN, PAVLOV, POLYAKOV and others were included into counterrevolutionary Trotskyist group which participant you also were. Whether you recognize it? Relate also to an investigation that you know of structure k.r. group and its activity?
ANSWER: No, I do not recognize. I do not know of existence of counterrevolutionary Trotskyist group.
QUESTION: By testimonies of the defendant of DOROShINA and your personal recognition it is established that you were a participant of the counterrevolutionary slanderous conversation directed against heads of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) which you characterize as Trotskyist. Meanwhile you deny existence of Trotskyist group and your participation in it. The consequence notes that your indications contradict the actual party of business, and insists on the truthful answer to a question of your accessory to k.r. to Trotskyist group.
ANSWER: I claim that I do not know of existence of counterrevolutionary Trotskyist group.
QUESTION: The consequence has data that you systematically participated in the counterrevolutionary slanderous conversations directed against the heads of party conducted by the participants of group called above. Whether you recognize it?
ANSWER: No, I do not recognize.
QUESTION: Whether you recognize that systematically conducted counterrevolutionary Trotskyist slanderous conversations among the staff of commandant’s office of the Kremlin called by you with your participation created the atmosphere of the embittered attitude towards heads of party?
* ANSWER: I recognize that counterrevolutionary slanderous conversation of the staff of commandant’s office of the Kremlin called by me with my participation kindled the embittered moods to party leadership and to comrade STALIN *.
It is written down from my words truly, by me it is read.



APRF. T. 3. Op. 58. 231. L. 32-36. Original. Typewriting.

* — * Otcherknuto on fields one line.

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