Cultivation of seedling

It is very profitable business for that who have a country house or a garden site, and has knowledge of cultivation of vegetables. In the market there are a lot of businessmen trading in seeds, seedling but also to you there will be a place in this case. What business would be successful insufficiently only desire to grow up seedling – it is necessary to have profound knowledge, skills. With it you will be helped by our councils. In the beginning it is necessary to be defined as in what volumes you will grow up, to pave the way, seeds. All this needs to be made beforehand prior to seeding. Preparation of seeds. Sorting of seeds in water. For this purpose they are poured out in capacity from 3-5% salt solution, mixed and in a few minutes delete floating seeds. Disinfecting. In 2-5% solution of wood ashes presoak seeds for 3 hours. From viral diseases carry out processing of 1% by solution of margantsovokisly potassium within 20 minutes. Before crops seeds presoak for 15-18 hours at the room temperature with the subsequent decrease in temperature to +2-+5 °C and endurance within 2-3 days. Crops. Crops of seeds are made at the end of February or at the beginning of March. Wooden boxes fill with the sterilized nutritious soil. Condense it and sow seeds ranks. The distance between them 3 cm, among between seeds of 0,5 cm, depth is 1 cm. Water room temperature. For maintenance of heat and humidity cover boxes with a film or glass. It is daily necessary to cover boxes and to monitor emergence of descents. At once, after emergence of rostochok, the shelter is removed, and boxes expose on light. At a lack of light of a plant are extended. In that case additional highlighting is necessary. Sword-play. Cucumbers and pepper for preservation of root system it is more expedient not to dive. Sword-play is useful to tomatoes and eggplants. On the eve of a plant it is necessary to water well and to transplant accurately in separate pots or in deeper boxes. It is necessary to select stronger plants which have 1-2 real leaflets. Extended and patients discard. The seated plants for several days pritemnyat for the best growth of roots. Care of plants. To water with moderately warm water, room temperature – 20-25 °C. Sufficient lighting after mass shoots when plants get stronger, it is necessary to reduce temperature for 2 days to 15-17 °C for the purpose of training of plants. It is necessary to feed up mineral or organic fertilizers. The first top dressing – when plants will have 2-3 leaflets and the last – some days before disembarkation. The good seedling which for 2 months grew to 20-25 cm has a thick stalk, brightly green leaves and well developed root system. At a lack of light of a plant are extended and lose a trade dress. Problems with realization of seedling which will not be grown up with observance of all agrotechnical requirements. In the market there is a lot of seedling – your goods will be out of competition. And if you still advertize it, tell about your merits tomato, cucumbers, you will well pack, you will put reasonable price, then at the end of the day at you nothing will remain, except revenue.

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