Last speech of John Kennedy

Ladies and gentlemen, concept privacy contradicts free and open society. We, by the nature and historically, the people resisting to confidential societies, secret orders and the closed meetings. Worldwide we are resisted by monolithic, ruthless plot which expands with secret means the sphere of influence, filtering into the place of invasion, overthrowing the power instead of the choice and intimidating instead of freedom. And this system, having mobilized many material and human resources, constructed strong, highly effective car which carries out military, diplomatic, prospecting, economic, scientific and political operations.

Their preparation keeps unknown to public, their mistakes disappear, but are not disclosed. It silently comes. Without reckoning with expenses and rumors, without disclosing secrets. Therefore in ancient Athens there was a law which forbade citizens to avoid public dispute.

I ask for your help in an important issue informing and preventions of the people of America. It is sure that with your help, people will become such by what they are given birth — free and independent.

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